Le Roi et Moi
Smashing new blog by London-based Tribunus on all things kingly and sacred. I do have a question for Catholic Jacobites out there (keeping in mind I myself have been known to have Jacobite sympathies): how does one take the Holy See's recognition, upon the death of James III in 1766, of the House of Hanover as the legitimate rulers of England?
For Francophones, you might find the website of the Alliance-Royale worth a read. Founded in 2001, it is the first political party in recent French history to promote the ideal of royalty. Neither claiming to be Legitimist, Orleanist, or Bonapartist, Alliance-Royale proposes the re-establishment of monarchy in France. The president, Yves-Marie Adeline, is a practicing Catholic and father of eight.
L’Alliance royale veut aujourd’hui proposer à nos compatriotes l’alternative royale pour demain. Il ne s’agit pas de nostalgie ou de passéisme. Les pays les plus avancés d’Europe, tant sur le plan économique que politique, ceux dans lesquels la liberté et la démocratie sont les mieux assurées, sont des monarchies. Ce n’est pas un hasard.
I tend towards the Legitimist camp myself. (Choosing between monarchy and republic may be somewhat complicated Stateside, but it's a simple affair here in France; it's the choosing among Legitimists, Orleanists, and Bonapartists that the project gets complex--though, of course, one can easily dismiss the Bonapartists.) The question comes down to whether or not Phillip V's renunciation of the crown upon signing the Treaty of Utrecht was valid. If it is the case, as Legitimists argue, that:
1) The succession to the crown is limited to males;
2) The succession must pass by primogeniture; and
3) No one can divert the succession from the primogeniture male heir (including the prince himself, who may not renounce the succession for himself);
then it follows that Louis-Alphonse of Spain, Louis XX, Duke of Anjou, is indeed the present heir to the throne of France, and not his rival pretender Henri, Comte de Paris. More on this later.
Finally, I've added a compilation of essays on the Royal Houses of Europe (many of them written by Guy Stair Sainty, of Legitimist persuasion).

L’Alliance royale veut aujourd’hui proposer à nos compatriotes l’alternative royale pour demain. Il ne s’agit pas de nostalgie ou de passéisme. Les pays les plus avancés d’Europe, tant sur le plan économique que politique, ceux dans lesquels la liberté et la démocratie sont les mieux assurées, sont des monarchies. Ce n’est pas un hasard.
I tend towards the Legitimist camp myself. (Choosing between monarchy and republic may be somewhat complicated Stateside, but it's a simple affair here in France; it's the choosing among Legitimists, Orleanists, and Bonapartists that the project gets complex--though, of course, one can easily dismiss the Bonapartists.) The question comes down to whether or not Phillip V's renunciation of the crown upon signing the Treaty of Utrecht was valid. If it is the case, as Legitimists argue, that:
1) The succession to the crown is limited to males;
2) The succession must pass by primogeniture; and
3) No one can divert the succession from the primogeniture male heir (including the prince himself, who may not renounce the succession for himself);
then it follows that Louis-Alphonse of Spain, Louis XX, Duke of Anjou, is indeed the present heir to the throne of France, and not his rival pretender Henri, Comte de Paris. More on this later.
Finally, I've added a compilation of essays on the Royal Houses of Europe (many of them written by Guy Stair Sainty, of Legitimist persuasion).
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