Louis XX During the Pope's Visit
Prince Louis Alphonse de Bourbon (Louis XX) and his wife Princess Marie Marguerite attended Mass at the Hôtel des Invalides in Paris on September 21st, where the Holy Father presided. They had also been invited by President Sarkozy to attend his address to the Pope on his arrival. (The Orléanist pretender to the throne, Henri, Comte de Paris, was (significantly) not invited; Sarkozy is not reverenced by traditional French Catholics, but, in his favor, he is no enemy to religion in the public square, nor to monarchy.)

Prince and princess arrive to the Hôtel des Invalides dressed in conservative black and navy (and yes, the Princess's dress could use a few inches' lengthening...)

Inside the chapel during Mass

The couple visits residents of the hospital

Posing in the courtyard
(Photos courtesy of picapp)
And just for fun...
Prince and princess arrive to the Hôtel des Invalides dressed in conservative black and navy (and yes, the Princess's dress could use a few inches' lengthening...)
Inside the chapel during Mass
The couple visits residents of the hospital
Posing in the courtyard
(Photos courtesy of picapp)
And just for fun...
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